Jared S. GillmanSep 29, 20224 min readRebuilding after Hurricane Ian- Construction Contract BasicsAfter the destruction and devastation of Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida, both property owners and contractors will be scrambling to...
Jared S. GillmanSep 14, 20203 min readFor a Florida Owner, Ignorance of a Contractor's Work is not BlissIn Florida, the Slavin Doctrine is alive and well. The Slavin Doctrine, nationally known as the "Completed and Accepted Doctrine," holds...
Jared S. GillmanAug 31, 20201 min readSmall and Minority Business Enterprises- No Shams AllowedThe U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District Florida settled its allegations against a Central Florida contractor accused of...
Jared S. GillmanAug 17, 20202 min readLanguage in Performance Bond Critical in Determining Surety’s Rights to CompleteIf an owner terminates a contractor due to a contractor default on a bonded project, can the surety hire the same contractor to complete...
Jared S. GillmanJun 9, 20203 min readWaiver of Consequential Damages may have Unintended ConsequencesIn Florida, parties often negotiate and include a waiver of consequential damages in construction contracts and design professional...